Sunday, January 2, 2011

Red Phillips 3 Speed

1967 Faded Red Phillips 3 Speed

Raleigh made bikes for many different companies.

This bike had several components with the Raleigh stamp. 

 The Sturmey Archer twist grip shifter is really easy to operate.

The Wald basket was new, but it could have come with the original.

Notice how the basket is connected  to the handlebars.
If the connectors come out at an angle the basket will shift down under a big load and
really mess up the tire. So, the shallower the basket the better.

The power train cleaned up nicely.

The crank is plain with a functional geometry. 

The bike came from Ebay and needed a lot of work.

Raleigh had unusual front fork designs for their bikes.
They did a special one for Phillips. 

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